Oktober 31, 2010

Word We Called Friend

"Our friends interpret the world and ourselves to us, if we take them tenderly and truly."- Amos Bronson Alcott
"Between friends differences in taste or opinion are irritating in direct proportion to their triviality."- Wystan Hugh Auden
"Friendship improves happiness, and abates misery, by doubling our joys, and dividing our grief."- Joseph Addison

Me also have mine defining  FRIENDS!

Forever together, not apart, indeed
Rise and fall, sad and happy
Immortal, unbreakable
Encouraging, not judging
Neither undervalues, nor disgraces
Difference is always a reason to be together
Splendid when you have one, yet wonderful when it turns more

There are always thousand reasons to make friends. Make yours!


Ifnur Hikmah (iiph che) mengatakan...

Welcome to the blogland Baleee....
Gue pertama yang komen ya?? hehe...
masih simpel Bal, perlu ditambahin gadgetnya nih.. Kalo butuh apa-apa buet memperame blog lo, feel free to call me ya, hehe....
Blog lo gue masukin ke blogroll gue ya.. mampir2 juga ke blog gue ya and leave a comment please, hehe....

keep writing ya sayang...

donny sitohang mengatakan...

life without friendship just like sky without sun...

great post buddy.. keep it up ;)

eganandita mengatakan...

my favorite one is "A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you."
and you are one of my sister Destiny forgot to give me Balee :D

VickyTama mengatakan...

hihi setuju!! punya sahabat dalam arti sebenarnya tuh emg bahagia banget rasanya.. tp dfoto itu gak ada tangan gueee huks (berasa bestfriend lo gtu, tp iya kn? maksa =P )

Ria mengatakan...

aaah blae sayang. fotonya menyenangkan. semoga lacur bersahabat terus sampai nenenk2 yaaah. amiin

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

aih terimakasih iif, i will!! nanti aku mau tanya tanya yah ibu guruuu hahahaha *cups*

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

wah absolutely doncee!! oh yeah, just like patrick and spongebob friendship! ;P hahahaaa

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

huaa egong i love you more and moree. you too dear!!

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

hahahahahah hmm hahahaha iya dong sayang ichii *hugs*

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

aih sampe di surga bareng bareng dong kita *apaan sih gw* hahahaha

donny sitohang mengatakan...

yes just like spongebob to patrick:
"knowledge cannot replace friendship. i'd rather be an idiot than to lose you"

simple banget yak... haha

Ira Ratna Juwita mengatakan...

aah jam ranger gw masi di ayu blm diambil. hahaha. smooch for bale :*

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

absolutely irreplacable you doncee! *hugs*

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

hundreds kisses, thousands hugs to iraa xoxo

chikamarsiska mengatakan...

cupsss baleee... :-*

SarahFitrisia mengatakan...

cups chika soulmatee *kiss*

sadsd mengatakan...

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